Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Day at the Museum…

IMG_3041Mallory has been wanting to go to the museum, and she is reminded every time we read the book about Fancy Nancy going to the museum.  I was interested in going since they recently remodeled.  So, I promised her we would go over Christmas break.

Today, we packed up the girls and headed to the Fort Worth Museum.  I was finishing packing up the diaper bag, and Wesley was putting Mia and Madison in their car seats, we told Mallory to get in the car.  She had no shoes on, but I knew we still had tennis shoes in a bag in the car from Christmas at my dad’s.  So, I told her to go ahead and get in the car and put her shoes on (I did not know Wesley had brought all the bags in earlier).

We are pulling into the parking lot, and I said something about being excited to be here.  Mallory said, “But, I don’t have no shoes on.”  I reminded her to get them from the bag, and that is when Wesley informs me the bags are unloaded.  We did not have enough time to go back home, so I said let’s go to the nearest store.  We saw a CVS…I remembered buying croc type shoes there before, so I gave  it a shot.  Luckily, I found some!!


Mallory was excited to check out everything…and Mia and Madison were ready for their first trip to the museum.  Once again, the twins brought us much attention.  We got lots of oohs and ahhs.  One lady said, “Wow, you have your hands full.”  Mallory asked me, “Mommy, why do people always say that?”  I laughed, because she is right, someone does always say that.  And, I always remember the thing I once read on a twin website…”I would rather have my hands full then empty".”  I LOVE that!!!  We saw some 5 year old girl twins, and their mom started talking to us.  We exchanged stories then she  said, “I promise it gets easier.”  That s another thing we here, but I have to say, it really hasn’t been that hard.  But, ask me again when they both started crawling all over the place :)IMG_3049Mallory, Madison, Mia, and Daddy…IMG_3047

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Of course, Mallory loved the grocery store area…

And, she liked all the other things we did…

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                                                              This was AWESOME!

Brought back-up camera…obviously can’t turn camera long ways to record, oops!

Mallory also dominated the hula hoop!


Mallory also played in other areas I didn’t get pictures of…she made a party hat, she made a paper rocket and watched it fly, she played in area outside that had different little water stations, and much more.

Then, we went through and exhibit all about Egypt.  Here is where Mallory rode her first CAMEL!!!



Then, we went next door to the Cowgirl Museum…



IMG_3074This was too cute…Mallory was herding the cattle…


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I took turns carrying Mia and Madison around…here’s Mia


Mia, Mallory, and I turned the corner and saw this little horse.  I told Mallory to hide, and I would hide while holding Mia on the horse.  So, when Wesley and Madison turned the corner, all they would see was Mia riding the horse.  It was too funny, Wesley saw her, laughed, and said, “Seriously!”

I thought it was hilarious, so we had to take several pics of it!!!

IMG_3082Love how Mia is holding on!

IMG_3085Love how Madison is so kicked back!

IMG_3083Pretty cowgirl!





IMG_3090We had a fun time of our family field trip to the museum!!!