Mallory and I rode the Forest Park Mini Train with Kayden and her mommy...
After the train ride, we went to the Botanical Gardens to have a picnic...
After we found the perfect, shady spot by the pond, the girls dug into the picnic basket...
We were so amazed how close the squirrels would get to us...
After our yummy picnic, we walked around and let the girls play. This gave us the chance to take lots of CUTE pictures...
Anytime, Mallory sees a curb or ledge, she walks on it like a balance beam. It is so cute how she sticks her arms out and walks so carefully. She is getting ready for her gymnastics class which starts in a couple of weeks...
Girls just want to have fun, but it sure is getting hot!!
Mallory was VERY interested when she saw Kayden get a drink out of the water fountain, because this was something she had not done, she watched Kayden carfeully and had to try it out for herself...
Mallory and Mommy...
Kayden and Mrs. Erin
We had fun at the Botanical Gardens, but we all got REALLY hot. So, we decided to get a snow cone or ICE cone as Mallory calls them...
Mallory is serious about her ice cones...
Of course Mallory was done before everyone else, because she don't play :o) But, her buddy, Kayden, was there to share...
Erin likes to take pictures as much as I, you can imagine when we are together it is like a photo shoot. We have nicknamed ourselves the "MOMARAZZI" Check us out...