Sunday, November 15, 2009

16 weeks…

IMG_1803This week I am 16 weeks pregnant!  Wow, it is going by fast!  I feel like it is going too fast, because I have so much to do to prepare for TWO BABIES!  My belly has definitely made an appearance, and I feel like it gets bigger everyday!  This month, my belly looks pregnant not just chubby.  So, around my 14th week, I finally told all the kids at school.  They are all very excited!  Of course, they all told their parents, and I have been getting lots on “Congratulations!” and lots of shocked faces when I tell them twins!  It is funny to see everyone’s reactions when I say twins, some are shocked, others are super excited!  I have a few parents at work that have twins of their own, so they are so happy when I tell them.  They have also told me many times how wonderful it is to have twins (especially when they see that I am a still a little freaked out)…

IMG_1800 I love that I do not feel sick anymore, and I have much more energy this month!


IMG_1808    This Thursday, we will find out if our babies are boys or girls!  I am ready to find out, so we can start planning and getting their room ready.  Mallory really wants girls, so we shall see if she gets her wish!

A couple of cute things Mallory has said lately…

“Mommy, I hope the babies are okay, and they are not fighting.”

“Mommy, I want to lay on your belly…Hi babies, it’s your big sister.”

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