Sunday, March 7, 2010

8 months…


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IMG_5534-1   I have to say I can’t believe I made it to 32 weeks! I am so happy the girls are still in my belly! The past few weeks have been difficult. Dr. Peters measures the babies every 2 weeks. Four weeks ago, both girls grew 8 ounces. Then, two weeks ago Madison grew 10 ounces, but Mia only grew 3 ounces. The problem is with Mia’s cord attachment to the placenta. It is either attached in a not so good area or the attachment itself is not that great, whatever the case, she is not getting the amount of blood and nutrients she needs to properly grow. Dr. Peters says Madison is doing great, but Mia may do better in the NICU getting care. At that time, I was only 29 weeks, so this totally freaked me out and scared me. 29 weeks just seems too early to deliver. He also mentioned the possibility of me being admitted to the hospital to be monitored. He sent me to labor and delivery to get a steroid shot to help the babies’ lung development in case we do deliver early. I was to get two shots within 24 hours. He said going in the hospital and delivery are still not a for sure decision at this time, but the shots were a must. He also said we would need to start seeing him twice a week now to check the blood flow through the cords and put me on the fetal heart rate monitor. I also see Dr. Krum, my regular doctor, once a week.  So, for the past two weeks we have been doing this and waiting for two weeks to go by so we could measure them again. Each appointment was about the same, Madison’s blood flow is great; Mia’s not so great. Both the girls’ heart rates are good.

So, finally two weeks had passed and we went to the doctor last Thursday. I was so nervous, because I knew if Mia did not show growth, we would probably deliver. My bags were packed and in the car. Of course, they measure Baby A first which is Madison, and she is right on track measuring at 31 weeks and 4 days. Then, they go to Mia, and my heart was pounding. Some of her measurements were showing 27 weeks and some 28 weeks. Finally, Lisa, calculates all the measurements, and says, “Baby A gained 12 ounces and Baby B 11 ounces.” I threw my arms up and said, “YES!” I could not believe it! I had never felt that much relief in my life! I just looked at Wesley and we both smiled so big. Madison is now 3 pounds, 12 ounces and Mia is 2 pounds, 9 ounces.  Dr. Peters came in, and he talked about how Mia is hanging in there, and we just have to continue to monitor her blood flow and heart rate. He continues to say Madison could go full term, but it depends on Mia’s development. We also have to monitor my blood pressure and any signs of pre-term labor since these are other common concerns with twin pregnancy.

I am still working…not the best teaching you have ever seen since I am sitting down most the day, but it sure does help keep me somewhat sane. Dr. Krum wanted me to quit working March 1st, but I persuaded him to let me go until Spring Break.  He believes staying at home and taking it easy will help avoid pre-term labor.  So, if that’s the case, I have one more week of work.  I do have to say that just this week I have had times where I am truly uncomfortable. Now, I am carrying 6lbs 5 oz. of baby. Mallory was only 5 lbs. 14 oz. So, I am bigger and starting to feel it.  But, it is worth it to keep our girls inside and growing!

In the middle of all of this, I failed my one hour glucose test.  So, I had to go in for the 3 hour test.  I was not too surprised since I did the same with Mallory.  However, this time, I was up the night before with a stomach virus.  That is never fun, but it sure is tough when you have such a big ‘ole belly to deal with.  I had to be at the doctor at 7am, and I was hating it.  Drinking that drink and sitting around for 3 hours was rough.  Then, I had to go to Dr. Peters…whew, was I sick to my stomach and ready to be done!  I had to call work and tell them I could not come in, so I went home after the both doctors and slept all afternoon.  I wasn’t sure how the test would come out with me being sick and somewhat dehydrated, but I passed it!

There are so many people thinking and praying for us; the support we are getting is unbelievable! These girls are already loved by so many! Wesley and I continue to hope for the best and trust the doctors are making the right decisions. We are also cherishing our time with Mallory as our only child. She has brought us so much joy. We want her to know how much we love her and enjoy every minute with her!  She is amazing…

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