Thursday, December 25, 2008

Holly Jolly Christmas!

Mallory, Mommy, and Daddy stayed home all Christmas day and played...
Mallory has been singing this Hannah Montana song for months (she learned it from the older girls Sharon's house). We are so glad Santa gave her a microphone that plays the song...

She used her new princess blanket as a stage...

I see 4 wands...she said she wanted "a lot of wands" for Christmas...

Waiting for Granny, Papaw, Mimi, and Granddad to come over...

Granny and Papaw just drove up, so Mallory made them some treats from her new kitchen...

Here they come...

Opening presents from Granny and Papaw...Mallory loves this fan with M&Ms...

A princess towel...Mallory is all about the princesses (I think she gets that from Bailey, a 5 yr old from Sharon's, who loves them, too)

Curious George pajamas...

Woohoo! A Tag reader...

"Thank you Granny and Papaw!"
Daisy's turn to open presents...she is so good at it!

Mimi and Granddad came over, too, and we all started taking toys out of the, that is a lot of work...

Mommy told Mallory to clean up some of her toys before getting new ones out...look, she put them all in her kitchen sink...

We finally moved her kitchen and table in her room...

Take a bath and put on your new pjs from Santa...

Showing Daddy how to play Ponyville...

What a FUN day playing with all my new things!

Mallory ended her day watching a movie with Daisy...

Can't wait until next Christmas!!

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