This month we did Football activities to go along with all the football we watch on TV…
Mallory made a cute hat…
She made an adorable cheerleader…
Mallory is doing a much better job good staying in the lines, using lots of color, and taking her time…Mommy is so proud of her artwork!
Football dot-to-dot…
Sometimes when we do activities, Mallory likes to “play school.” I will be in the kitchen, and she will raise her hand and say, “Teacher, teacher.” She will be so serious and ask me a question…just look at her face! She cracks me up!
Malory did some uppercase/lowercase matching…She writes her name so good!
Mallory knows ALL her letters, now we are working on sounds…
And, of course, we had to watch and cheer for the COWBOYS…
When we told her we were going to watch the game tonight, she went and got her pom-poms and told me she was going to make her hair pretty…check out those purple clips…