Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Lots 2 Learn in September…

IMG_0700This month we did Football activities to go along with all the football we watch on TV…

Mallory made a cute hat… 


IMG_0648She made an adorable cheerleader…

                   IMG_0649 IMG_0650

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IMG_0657Mallory is doing a much better job good staying in the lines, using lots of color, and taking her time…Mommy is so proud of her artwork!

IMG_0680 IMG_0681

                                          Football dot-to-dot…

IMG_0682YEA!  All done!

IMG_0684Add some color…

 IMG_0685 Sometimes when we  do activities, Mallory likes to “play school.”  I will be in the kitchen, and she will raise her hand and say, “Teacher, teacher.”  She will be so serious and ask me a question…just look at her face!  She cracks me up! 



IMG_0688 IMG_0689

                                Malory did some uppercase/lowercase matching…IMG_0690She writes her name so good!

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IMG_0698 Mallory knows ALL her letters, now we are working on sounds…

And, of course, we had to watch and cheer for the COWBOYS…

IMG_0561When we told her we were going to watch the game tonight, she went and got her pom-poms and told me she was going to make her hair pretty…check out those purple clips…







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