Monday, September 21, 2009

“Ms. Sharon, Check This Out!”

IMG_0570Mommy got to take Mallory to Ms. Sharon’s this morning before her doctor appointment.  Mallory was excited to share her news with Ms. Sharon and her friends… IMG_0569Mallory had her Big Sister shirt and book, ready to go!

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  IMG_0582Mallory strutted in the house, stopped, put her hands behind her back, and waited for Ms. Sharon to read her shirt…

IMG_0585Ms. Sharon was excited to read the news…she gave Mallory and Mommy a big hug and kiss…

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Ms. Sharon called the kids together to read Mallory’s shirt to them…

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The Proud Big Sister…

Mommy was happy to see that Ms. Sharon was excited about Baby Moore since he/she will be going to Ms. Sharon’s house next August…

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