Saturday, September 19, 2009


IMG_0524-3Mallory is going to be a BIG SISTER!!

IMG_0529The big day is May, 2, 2010!



I found out I was pregnant a few weeks ago…Saturday, August 22nd. After my first week back at work, I came home Friday afternoon feeling very nauseous. I couldn’t believe I was already getting sick and the kids weren’t even back at school yet! But, my Art teacher went home that day with a stomach virus, so I thought I got it from her since we worked together all week. I laid in bed all Friday night feeling so sick to my stomach. Saturday morning when I woke up feeling the same way, Wesley said, “Maybe you’re pregnant.” I couldn’t believe I hadn’t thought of that! I just felt so bad, and I just thought I was sick!

Wesley went to store to buy a test, and as soon as he got back, I took it. And, it was POSITIVE!! YEA!! I was so excited…still very nauseous, but very excited! I told a couple of friends right away, but I wanted to wait until I went to the doctor before telling Mallory, grandparents, family, and others.

I FINALLY had my first doctor appointment on Thursday, September 17th. Man, it sure felt like forever waiting those few weeks from taking the test until my first visit. I was so ready to make sure everything was okay, so I could tell everyone but especially MALLORY!

My appointment only consisted of blood work, a urine sample, and chatting with the doctor. I told my doctor I was disappointed that I was not having a sonogram, because I wanted to make sure all was good and see the heartbeat. He said I could come back next week for a sonogram. So, we scheduled one for the following Monday…the quickest we could get!!!

Sonogram or not, we already had plans to meet with grandparents this weekend, and we couldn’t wait to tell Mallory!!! So, today after Mallory and I got back from a baby shower, we sat her down and told her…

I am not sure Mallory totally comprehends it since my belly is not big yet. But, it is so cute how she said she would help change diapers and wipe the baby’s face! She is going to be an AWESOME BIG SISTER!!!


After telling Mallory, we were ready to tell the GRANDPARENTS…

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