Baseball games and activities are fun but PLAYING BASEBALL is a BLAST!!! Throwing…
Catching…Way to keep your EYE ON THE BALL!!!
Daddy’s little baseball player…I see t-ball in the near future…
Mallory also learned the classic baseball song…
Topic for this month - BASEBALL!! We went to two baseball games..Frisco Rough Riders and Fort Worth Cats. We also did some fun baseball activities…
Mallory really concentrated on her fine motor lacing activity…
Mallory enjoyed getting dressed up and sitting at her picnic table outside while making a baseball player…
She gets such a serious little face sometimes…it makes us laugh…
How many uppercase letters can Mallory match with the lowercase?
There she goes again using her tongue to help her concentrate…she knew all of her uppercase letters. She got confused with the lowercase letters b, p, d, q…that’s understandable, they all look alike…
Sure is fun to use your toes and clothespins…
Putting numbers in order…
Mallory has some trouble with numbers 6 and 9…
B is for baseball dot-to-dot…
Mallory LOVES hanging her beautiful artwork on the refrigerator…