Monday, December 21, 2009

Christmas with Bryce, Brooklyn, and…

IMG_2662This afternoon, we had Christmas with Bryce, Brooklyn, Uncle Joe, Aunt Angie, Granny, and Papaw…

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First, we had a yummy lunch at La Hacienda; then, we came back to our house to open presents and play..

IMG_2608 Granny and Papaw gave Mallory just a couple of presents today, because she had to wait until Christmas for the rest…

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                           Rip it open girl!                                                      What is it?

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                           A cute little canvas picture of Mallory, Granny, and Mimi…

IMG_2620Next, Mallory had to make sure Brooklyn likes the books she got her…



And, to see if Bryce likes the lego set she got him…Mallory has always been so sweet and excited to give gifts and to watch others open them.  It makes her so happy when they like them!

IMG_2629Granny wanted Mallory and Bryce to sit on the coach and open up the next presents together…

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IMG_2635Cool!  Their very own cameras and digital frames!!

IMG_2637Mallory and Bryce walked around taking pictures of everybody and random things around the house…

IMG_2652Even each other!


IMG_2642Granny is so glad she likes her camera!

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                                          Mallory would take pictures and then show them…

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        Taking a picture of Bryce’s bo-bo                            And, a picture of Brooklyn…            

IMG_0197Like mother like daughter…

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   Daddy got to open a present, too…A FLIP camera…thank you Granny and Papaw…

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            This was sooooooo CUTE!!!!  Bryce and Mallory playing with their cameras…

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                                              Brooklyn loves Mallory’s kitchen!

    IMG_2670Granny, Mallory, and Mommy…

  IMG_2674Granny, Mallory, and Papaw…we had a wonderful day together!

 IMG_2675Mommy and her sweet little girl… 



                                     Mommy had her baby belly, really “babies” belly…

 IMG_2689Mallory came running out of her room and wanted Daddy to take a picture of her baby belly!!!

IMG_2690Mallory and her Daddy…

IMG_2693Mallory wanted to do this pose…

  IMG_1546Then, Mallory took a picture of her Mommy and Daddy…

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