Thursday, April 22, 2010

There’s Two to Kiss, Two to Hug; And Best of All, There’s Two to Love!

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IMG_7323 copy   Today, Mommy took pictures of her precious, 2 week old, baby girls…

It was too funny…they were both naked and peed all over each other and the couch.  They also would wake up, hit each other, and cry.  But, I managed to get a few precious pictures of Mia and Madison…

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


IMG_7187The girls were ready for their first sponge bath tonight…

IMG_7222 copy IMG_7226IMG_7227Mallory helping wipe Madison’s little body…

IMG_7228IMG_7230IMG_7229IMG_7231 IMG_7233So tiny…

IMG_7249IMG_7238IMG_7235  IMG_7246 IMG_7247 IMG_7248  IMG_7251 Time to get warm and cozy…IMG_7255IMG_7267IMG_7263IMG_7262    

A few days later, the girls’ umbilical cords fell off so they were ready for their first real bath, and Mallory couldn’t wait to take it with them!IMG_7584-1 The girls definitely enjoyed their real bath better than the sponge bath…

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Mallory was wanting the babies to play a little bit, but I told her she had to wait a few months for that…



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IMG_7620Clean and cozy…the girls loved their bath and their lotion rub down…now it’s time for night-night…

For the next few weeks, I had to give the babies baths by themselves, because they were so little.  They would not weigh the bath tub seats down enough so they would roll around.  Much safer for them to take a bath one at a time, and it was a nice one on one time for Mommy and each of her girls…

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

First of Many…

IMG_0606_thumb[2]Today, we had our FIRST OF MANY play dates with all the Moore and Simpson girls.  So crazy how it went from 2 girls to FIVE!!

Mommy and Ms. Erin had fun hanging out with all our girls.  We even had a Michelob Ultra…our first one together in almost a year…IMG_7197 Mia and Madison are almost 2 weeks old and Karsyn is 7 weeks.  It will be fun to watch them grow up together.It is crazy how much bigger Karsyn looks! 


After dinner, we took pictures of the girls in the twin’s room.  Mommy and Ms. Erin laughed so hard…IMG_0640_thumb[4]Ms. Erin said Karsyn looked like the Jolly Green Giant!  I don’t think she is a giant; I just think our babies are itty bitty…IMG_0613_thumb[15]Mia and Madison were all over the place…


IMG_0618_thumb[10]I think Karsyn is done!

IMG_7214After Mallory and Kayden got out of the bath, they had to join in on the fun…IMG_0644_thumb[3]Mallory, Mia, Kayden, and Madison…

IMG_7219When we added Karsyn, Mallory asked Kayden, “Why is your baby so big?”  Mommy and Ms. Erin almost peed our pants…

IMG_0655_thumb[2]This picture is CLASSIC!!!


IMG_0668_thumb[1]Then, we realized the big chair might be easier… IMG_0675_thumb[2]Now, Madison has had it, she is hungry and starting to eat Mallory’s arm…

IMG_0664_thumb[3]WOW!!!  What have Mommy and Ms. Erin gotten themselves into…