Our first few days at home (Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday), we ENJOYED our time with Madison and MISSED our Mia while she was still in the NICU…
Will Madison be a thumb sucker?
Mallory is such a sweet, lovable big sister…she is adjusting so well, and Mommy is so proud of her!
Mallory is truly amazed at Madison's tiny fingers and toes…
Mallory is such a helper! She gets things for Mommy all the time, feeds Madison, she sings and talks to Madison, and she plays “This Little Piggy” with her…And, she gives Madison lots of hugs and kisses…
We had a few visitors the first few days (grandparents and Uncle Jerry and Aunt Donna)…we got very spoiled with all the food they brought us; it was so nice…
Look at how big Pawpaw’s hand is compared to Madison…
Ms. Sharon brought a very yummy dinner! She told Madison that she was so tiny and needed to be at least 8 lbs. before coming to her house…at this time, Madison was only 5 pounds :)
While Mommy was in the hospital and these first few days, all the grandparents would ask Mallory to come spend the night with them. She was so sweet and tell them, “No, Mia is going to come home and I don’t want to miss it.”
Sweet Dreams Baby Madison…
I love to watch her stretch when we unswaddle her…
While Madison was getting formula at home, Mommy would pump and Daddy would take the milk up to Mia. Daddy was our “milk man.” He went up to the hospital 3 times a day to deliver milk, feed Mia, and get updates…
On Monday, Mia got her feeding tube out and on Tuesday, she moved out of the incubator. As long as she could keep her energy level up while feeding from a bottle and keep her temperature up while in a big girl bed, she would get to come home by the end of the week…YEA!!!!!
The doctors wanted Mommy to practice nursing Mia before she came home, so Mommy went to the hospital Wednesday and Thursday to meet with the lactation consultant and feed Mia. Mia did a great job! The lactation consultant said I am so lucky because both my girls do such a great job breast feeding.
Mommy and Daddy just LOVE Mia’s big eyes…so adorable!
Can’t wait until she gets to come home!
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