Sunday, April 11, 2010

Big Sister Mallory…

IMG_6445Mallory stayed the night with Sharon two nights, Daddy one night, and Mimi the last night.  She came to visit us everyday except one, because she had a runny nose and we didn’t want to risk it.  Each day, she got more and more comfortable.  She new Mommy was okay, she wanted to hold Madison, and she really wanted to see Mia.

Mallory has been waiting a long time to be a big sister, and she is going to be such a great helper!!!IMG_6537IMG_6532IMG_6534IMG_6533IMG_6538IMG_6531IMG_0519Mallory was so sweet and so concerned about her mommy… 


She really liked visiting during lunch or dinner time so she could taste my food for me and make sure it was good…

IMG_0585Mommy and Madison think Mallory is the best big sister around, and Mia will think that, too!

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